Aug 10, 2005, 00:00 AM
Alexander Kossiakoff passed away on August 6 from heart failure at age 91. Dr. Kossiakoff was an INCOSE Fellow and an active contributor to the INCOSE OOSEM Working Group. Up until his death, he was Chief Scientist of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), and Chaired their Management and Systems Engineering Program. He completed his book entitled "Systems Engineering Principles and Practice" at age 90. His had been Director of APL for many years, a pioneer in solid propellant rocket technology, and a leader in the development of the Navy's first guided missile systems. He was an inspiration to many and will be greatly missed.
A memorial tribute for Dr. Kossiakoff will be held some time in the future at The Applied Physics Laboratory. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made in his name to The Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering Systems Engineering Program, 144 New Engineering Building, 3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. 21218.