Jun 3, 2005, 00:00 AM
The latest Systems Modeling Language (SysML) submission in January 2005 represented the beginning of a new phase for SysML where SysML tool vendor partners began to prototype the specification to help drive out implementation and usability issues. Version 0.9 was submitted to the Object Management Group (OMG) on 10 January 2005 and was presented to the Model Driven System Design (MDSD) working group at the 2005 INCOSE International Workshop. Since that time, four of the SysML vendor partners - Artisan, EmbeddedPlus, I-Logix, and Telelogic - have been actively prototyping the specification and providing feedback to the Partners to help improve the quality of the SysML specification.
Each of these vendors plans to demonstrate their prototypes and/or offerings at the 2005 INCOSE International Symposium. The MDSD working group will also host a meeting at the symposium to review the findings from the vendor prototypes and the proposed updates to the language. The goal is to work towards a v1.0 final submission prior to the end of 2005. The SysML Specification v0.9 and future updates along with partner information can be found at
At the OMG Systems Engineering Domain Special Interest Group (SE DSIG) meeting in February 2005, it was decided to proceed with development of an RFP for a UML Profile for the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF) and the UK's Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF).The purpose of this effort is to provide standard UML representations for representing DODAF and MODAF Architecture Products. Fatma Dandashi from MITRE is the lead for this initiative and has been coordinated the preparation of an initial draft RFP which can be found at
http://syseng.omg.org/UPDM.htm. The draft RFP will be discussed at the SE DSIG meeting in June in Boston with the goal of issuing the RFP through the OMG C4I Task Force at the September 2005 OMG meeting.