Feb 10, 2005, 00:00 AM
To help ensure that future generations have appropriate skills in science and mathematics, INCOSE is co-sponsoring the Strategies for Engineering Education K-16 (SEEK-16) held 21-22 February in Washington, DC. The mission of SEEK-16 is to engage and empower key leaders from business, government, higher education, national associations, and K-12 classrooms – teachers, parent advocates, and students – to implement strategies that apply design, engineering and technology concepts to improve the interdisciplinary understandings of K-16 science and mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning.
SEEK-16 was initiated as an entrepreneurial, grassroots effort to bring together a coalition of decision and opinion leaders from across learning, workforce, and economic communities. The task is for these leaders is to begin a process of translating into actions the numerous public and private funded studies that have recommend the application of engineering, design and technology practices to foster improved student STEM literacy.
In order to start this translation process of recommendations into actions, the SEEK-16 team is has organized this initial summit and invited 200 leaders who can bridge the social, cultural, scientific, educational, and workforce implications to include design, engineering and technology into science and mathematics teaching and learning. These leaders will be formed into regional and affinity based teams to encourage the development of meaningful post Summit follow on programs. A key deliverable of the Summit will be to organize workgroups who will spearhead the development of concrete programs focused on improving STEM literacy through design, engineering and technology. Such programs might include new: curricula, teacher professional development programs, innovations to STEM instruction, and policy recommendations.