Jan 19, 2005, 00:00 AM
INCOSE members are invited to submit their work as research or industrial practice papers, tutorials, workshops and/or panels in the 13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference. RE'05 will bring together researchers, practitioners, and students to exchange problems, solutions, and experiences concerning requirements. The conference will emphasize the crucial role that requirements play in the successful development and delivery of systems, products, and services.
Call for Papers
13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference
August 29th - September 2nd, 2005 Paris, France
High-quality requirements are at the heart of successful products, in that a product is successful if it effectively satisfies some essential need. Engineering successful products involves understanding the needs of users, customers, and other stakeholders, as well as the contexts in which the product will be used; specifying, modelling, and analyzing the stakeholders' requirements; and using these requirements to guide design decisions, to define acceptance criteria for evaluating the final product, and to constrain the product's evolution. Requirements encompass more than desired functionality users increasingly demand systems that are usable, reliable, secure, and responsive, while product developers expect to be able to adapt and evolve products rapidly, in response to users' changing needs. As such, requirements activities are multi-disciplinary, drawing on research and experience in computer science, mathematics, engineering, human-computer interaction, and social and cognitive sciences.
RE'05 will bring together researchers, practitioners, and students to exchange problems, solutions, and experiences concerning requirements. The conference will emphasize the crucial role that requirements play in the successful development and delivery of systems, products, and services. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to
- Requirements elicitation and identification
- Informal modelling of requirements
- Domain modelling
- Formal modelling of goals and requirements
- Specification languages
- Formal analysis and verification
- Multiple viewpoints, managing inconsistency
- Nonfunctional and quality requirements
- Prioritization, negotiation, and resolution of conflicting requirements
- Prototyping, animation, simulation
- Requirements validation
- Requirements evolution over time, across product families; variability requirements
- Requirements management, traceability, metrics
- Requirements methodologies (e.g., Agile methods)
- Social, cultural, and cognitive factors in requirements activities
- Aligning requirements to business goals and processes
- Relating requirements to system architecture, testing
- Requirements for COTS-based systems
- Requirements for interoperating, multi-organizational systems
- Domain-specific problems and solutions (e.g., high- assurance systems; secure systems; socio-technical systems; telecommunications and distributed systems; business and information systems)
Papers and Evaluation
To provide a forum for exchanging challenges and experiences, as well as research results, we will run both researcher-oriented and practitioner-oriented technical tracks. We invite submissions of high-quality papers in the following categories
- Technical research papers present original results from basic or applied research, including at least preliminary evaluation of results. Technical research papers will be reviewed for originality, soundness, and potential utility of the research to the state-of-the-art. Papers must not exceed 10 pages.
- Research evaluation papers present case studies, empirical studies, experiments, or analyses that evaluate scientifically the effectiveness and applicability of requirements techniques. Evaluation papers will be reviewed for quality and rigor of evaluation, and for significance and generality of results. Papers must not exceed 10 pages.
- Reflection-on-practice papers introspectively evaluate industrial experience with using requirements techniques. Reflection papers should describe not only the requirements techniques employed, but also the setting in which the techniques were used, the results obtained, the lessons learned, and any conclusions that can be drawn. Reflection papers will be reviewed for significance of the insights presented. Papers must not exceed 10 pages.
- Industrial practice reports pose requirements problems or challenges encountered in practice, relate success or failure stories, or report on industrial practice. Industrial-practice reports must not exceed 5 pages. Authors who want to submit longer papers should consider submitting a reflection paper.
Papers must not describe work that is submitted to or has been presented at another forum. Accepted papers will appear in an IEEE-CS Press Conference Proceedings. Revised versions of the best research papers may appear in proposed special issues of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering or Requirements Engineering Journal; revised versions of the best practice papers may appear in a special issue of IEEE Software.
We seek also proposals for workshops, tutorials, panels, research tool demos, and poster presentations.
Submission Information
Electronic submissions will be accepted at the RE'05 paper submission site. Authors without web access must make advance arrangements with the Program Chair at least one week before the deadline. To be considered for review, a paper submission must be in the IEEE CS Press Proceedings format (see
www.computer.org/proceedings/cps_forms.htm) and must not exceed its category's page limit (see above). See the
www.re05.org web site for information on how to submit papers; workshop, panel, and tutorial proposals; doctoral consortium papers; posters; and research-tool demonstrations.
Key Dates
Paper abstracts (technical, evaluation, reflection papers) 7 February 2005
Paper submissions (all paper types) 14 February 2005
Paper notifications sent to authors 22 April 2005
Workshop, tutorial, and panel proposal submissions 11 March 2005
Doctoral symposium submissions 28 April 2005
Poster and research demonstrations submissions 28 April 2005
Camera-ready papers due 3 June 2005