INCOSE Forum - CAFE: Proposed Materials in Systems Engineering WG Discussion

Cafe to discuss the interest in forming a new Working Group, Materials in Systems Engineering. 

24 June 2024 at 9AM Mountain Time

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WG Purpose/Mission:

The purpose of the Materials in System Engineering Working Group (MatSEWG) is to disseminate knowledge and foster advances in materials model-based design, qualification, and processes and standardized practices that enhance the system engineering lifecycle, including application of systems thinking and model-based systems engineering practices in requirements, selection, testing, verification, and maintenance with speed and agility to change. This working group identifies value-added technical products for system materials development, qualification, and lifecycle management.

WG Goal(s):

  • To attract and develop a community of engaged participants to understand the state of the practice regarding materials model-based design, qualification, and their integration into the SE processes.
  • To establish guidance and foster responsibility for materials model-based design, qualification, and process as a fundamental part of system engineering.
  • To advance the body of knowledge in materials lifecycle management in systems, system of systems, and product lines.

WG Scope:

The MatSEWG scope includes elicitation of materials needs and requirements, materials selection approaches, mod/sim and digital thread opportunities, verification methods and techniques, and lifecycle sustainment concerns and management. The WG activities capture and communicate best practices for materials in the product lifecycle, gather current state of the practice information on materials in SE and the disciplines to support it, and direct advances towards the future state of materials in system engineering.

Outcomes (Products/Services):
The outcomes of the MatSEWG include:

  • Creation and publication a specific product “Materials in System Engineering Guidance” in accordance with INCOSE publications processes. Employing MBSE methodology.
  • Discussion and dissemination of information between its members. The tempo and topics of contribution are determined by the level of participation of the community and availability of contributed content.

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