Webinar 173: What is an ESEP & Why should I become one?

What is an ESEP & Why should I become one?

When: Tuesday, 16 April 2024 from 10:00am-11:00am EST (14:00-15:00 UTC)

Speaker(s): David Ward, ESEP & Courtney Wright, CSEP

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Courtney and David will talk about what it means to be an Expert Systems Engineering Professional and how to become one. David has been an ESEP since 2016, so Courtney will catch him up on what has changed in the application process. David will speak about the value his ESEP status has to others, not just the value it brings to him. Courtney will talk about the formal requirements and what characteristics most applicants have in common.

David Ward is known as a Systems Engineering Professional and Evangelist with over 80+ publications including 4 book chapters covering topics from Engineering to Luxury Products. By trade he is a Mechanical Engineer with a PhD in fluid Mechanics. He has worked in over a dozen companies, from the micro to the monster size, in a dozen of different sectors including public and private contexts. He has covered different roles in INCOSE and the Italian chapter (AISE) for which he is Director of Education, Training and Certification. He has directly trained over 100 engineers for INCOSE SEP certification and 500+ people about Systems Engineering.

Courtney Wright is one of the friendly faces of INCOSE, where she has worked as the Certification Program Manager for 11 years. Trained as a mechanical engineer and with a MS in Operations Research, she earned her CSEP while working at NASA. In addition to creating the Academic Equivalency Program and the paper exam structure, she has pushed INCOSE to modify its certification requirements to be culture-agnostic. She loves applying systems engineering to everyday tasks, including her children’s education, her mountain biking hobby, and her interactions with healthcare professionals. It is received as well as you might expect.

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