Webinar 172: Enhancing Systems Engineering Through Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI)

Enhancing Systems Engineering Through Generative AI (GAI) 


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Wednesday, 20 March 2024 from 11:00am-12:00pm EST (15:00-16:00 UTC)  

Speaker: Steven Dam 

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Generative AI is known for generating papers and creating code... can it really help systems engineering? SPEC Innovations has applied AI/Natural Language Processing techniques for nearly a decade, including these capabilities to provide quality checking, traceability assistance, and model quality analysis. 

For the past two years, SPEC Innovations has been conducting research in generative AI with George Mason University for NASA through a STTR Phase II contract. This research has resulted in an initial implementation of ChatGPT in our Innoslate Clouds (AWS and AWS GovCloud), which enables researchers to explore some of the possible uses of generative AI for systems engineering. 

In addition, SPEC Innovations sponsored George Mason University Graduate Students in a Capstone Project in Fall 2023, which continued exploring potential uses of AI4SE. As part of that work, they researched how other tools implemented GAI. We will also explore this comparison. 

This presentation will discuss the potential benefits and limitations of AI4SE as applied to modern software tools as digital assistants to the systems engineer. We believe that integrating the AI4SE capabilities into these tools will enable systems engineers to become more productive and valuable to their projects. 

Steven Dam is the President and Founder of the Systems and Proposal Engineering Company (SPEC Innovations). He has been involved with structured analysis, software development, and systems engineering for over 45 years. He has authored four systems engineering-based books, including his most recent, “Real MBSE: Model-Based Systems Engineering Using LML and Innoslate.” He has a B.S. and Ph.D. in Physics. He is an INCOSE-certified ESEP and recipient of the INCOSE 2023 Founder's Award. In addition, he was recently made an Associate Fellow of AIAA. 

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