2023 Annual INCOSE Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)

Richland , United States
650 Horn Rapids Road

2023 Annual INCOSE Western States Regional Conference (WSRC)

14 September - 16 September 2023 | Richland, Washington, USA

WSRC 2023 - Please join us IN PERSON for INCOSE's premier Western USA Event! We'll be in beautiful wine country located on Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL) Discovery Hall. Tours of the Manhattan Project and LIGO kick us off on Thursday. Friday night banquet will be held at a local winery. Our keynote comes from the US Department of Energy. **SAVE THE DATE!!** Registration, Call for Papers, (updated) website is forthcoming.
For more information, please visit: https://www.incose.org/wsrc/

Contact[email protected] or [email protected]

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