Calling All Systems: Product Line Engineering (PLE)

Meeting Title: 
Calling All Systems: Product Line Engineering (PLE) Are You Missing a Piece in Your Digital Engineering Puzzle?
Barclay Brown, Dr. Charles Krueger, Marco Forlingieri
Thursday11 May 2023
11:00 AM Eastern / UTC -4


For more information, visit: Calling All Systems (

Meeting Description:
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is pleased to announce the second session in the Calling All Systems panel series. The session theme is: ‘Product Line Engineering: Are You Missing a Piece in Your Digital Engineering Puzzle? Dr. Barclay Brown, INCOSE’s Chief Information Officer will chair a panel composed of up to four thought leaders in the field of Product Line Engineering (PLE), who will explore the role of PLE in completing the Digital Engineering puzzle.

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