Webinar 164: SE for You – Applying Systems Engineering to the Pursuit of Happiness

 Meeting Title: SE for You – Applying Systems Engineering to the Pursuit of Happiness
Presenter Name: Randall C Iliff
Date: Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Time EDT: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm EDT (3:00 pm – 4:00 pm UTC) 

INCOSE Webinar 164 Invitation


It’s interesting how little time Systems Engineers spend engineering the most important system of all – their own life. As a profession we declare the universe to be filled with system structures and claim the power to manage elements in pursuit of desired emergent properties, so why not apply a bit of that remarkable insight to the pursuit of our own happiness and fulfilment?

Of course SE applies to human lives. Everything that we do, everyone that we interact with, and every experience we’ve ever had or imagined all interact in complex system ways to produce the person that exists in this moment. 

This viewpoint of yourself as the system to optimize offers the purest “What’s-in-it-for-me?” payoff of any SE application. Structured self-awareness leads to understanding, which can lead to change.

•         What systems are we part of, and is that engagement helping us, hurting us, or both? What changes should we consider?

•         What systems do the people in our lives around us create, and how are we impacted by that emergent system? Would pruning or adding to that network improve our world?

•         How are our unique capabilities and gifts allocated to tasks? How much of our potential is being applied in ways that bring satisfaction and personal reward?

The one system that all System Engineers have in common, regardless of market or product type, is the shared experience of life. Please join us as we explore simple ways to apply the logic of SE to the pursuit of happiness and personal satisfaction!



Randall C. Iliff has over 40 years’ of PM and SE experience on developmental efforts ranging in size from a few thousand to billions of dollars, and has built a solid record of disruptive innovation in aerospace, medical, commercial and consumer markets.

Randy is a charter member of INCOSE and has been a steady contributor ever since. He works with Project Performance International as a Course Presenter / Principal Consultant and is also founder of his own consulting company - Eclectic Intellect.

Prior to that he was Vice President at the award-winning product development firm bb7, served as Systems Engineering Manager for IceCube, an Engineering Manager at Motorola Government Electronics Group, a Program Manager / Senior Systems Engineer at Martin Marietta Denver Aerospace, and a junior member of the “skunkworks” Advanced Development Group at McDonnell-Douglas Astronautics.

Mr. Iliff holds a BS in Engineering / Industrial Design from Michigan State University, and an MS in Systems Management, Research and Development from the University of Southern California.


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