SMSWG Community Mtg #59 - ‘MoSSEC - The missing link in connected M&S’

NAFEMS-INCOSE Systems Modeling & Simulation Working Group Presents: 

:  MoSSEC - The missing link in connected M&S
Date: Tuesday, 8 November 2022
Time: 16:00 GMT (London)
          17:00 CET (Berlin)
          08:00 PST (Los Angeles)
          11:00 EST (New York)
Speaker: Kyle Hall, Airbus Operations Ltd

- MoSSEC (Modelling and Simulation information in a collaborative Systems Engineering Context) is the published ISO standard (ISO 10303-243) for improving the decision making process for complex products. Here we will discuss the history, scope and need for MoSSEC in a future connected M&S world.
* Open Discussion to follow*

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