Webinar 161: Agile SE in the Future of Systems Engineering

Meeting Title: Agile SE in the Future of Systems Engineering
Presenter Name: Rick Dove
Date: Wednesday, 21 September 2022
Time EDT: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm EDT (3:00 pm – 4:00 pm UTC) 

INCOSE Webinar 161 Invitation


Agility in the future of systems engineering is a journey, not a destination. This webinar will explore the nature of that journey and a current roadmap for getting started.

The Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) is an INCOSE-led collaborative initiative pursuing INCOSE’s Vision 2035 and beyond. One of the Grand Challenges in the Vision is “Systems engineering anticipates and effectively responds to an increasingly dynamic and complex environment.” Agile systems engineering is a method for creating and evolving systems and subsystems when knowledge is uncertain and environments are dynamic. This presentation explores the FuSE Agility topic area across nine strategy concepts in the current roadmap. Concepts were identified in collaborative workshops as foundational early stage practices ready for broader development and application. 


Rick Dove is an unaffiliated independent operator, specializing in agile systems and security research, engineering, and project management. He chairs the INCOSE working groups for Agile Systems and Systems Engineering, and for Systems Security Engineering; and leads both the Security and Agility projects for INCOSE’s initiative on the Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE).. He is an INCOSE Fellow, and author of Response Ability, the Language, Structure, and Culture of the Agile Enterprise.



We have moved to the ZOOM platform for INCOSE webinars. One significant change is that we recommend that attendees join audio now using the ZOOM platform audio (Voice over Internet). This worked very effectively for the recent (virtual) International Symposium.

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