Requirements Working Group Exchange Cafe

Topic: Requirements Working Group Exchange Cafe
Speaker: Beth Wilson, ESEP
Date:24 August 2022
Time:  3:00 PM CST
Location: Virtual

Meeting Zoom Link:

Abstract: During this meeting Beth Wilson will kick off a project to develop a SoS Guide that tailors the RWG products including the Needs and Requirements Manual, Guide to Needs and Requirements, and Guide to Verification and Validation to address the unique challenges for an SoS. Last month’s RWG Exchange Café began with a summary of the SoS challenges when it comes to defining needs and requirements and verifying the SoS meets the requirements and validating that the SoS meets the needs. After the presentation, the session was opened up for a general discussion concerning SoS. What is common to systems and SoS? What is unique for SoS?
A recording of this presentation is available on the INCOSE RWG YouTube Channel using this link: 

In the presentation there was a mention of a SOS Primer. Here is a link to the primer which is available in the INCOSE Store: 

Dr. Beth Wilson earned her PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rhode Island. Beth is retired from Raytheon where she worked for 33 years as a design engineer, program manager, research scientist, functional manager, and test director on sonar, satellite, and radar programs. Beth was a Raytheon Certified Architect and a Raytheon Certified Six Sigma Expert. Dr. Wilson is currently an Adjunct Professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in their Master of Science in Systems Engineering program. Beth is an INCOSE Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP), INCOSE Certification Advisory Group (CAG) chair, co-chair for the INCOSE Systems Security Engineering working group, and a member of the Systems of Systems (SoS) Working Group and the Requirements Working Group (RWG). Reminder: This meeting will be recorded.

Past meeting recordings can be found at the INCOSE RWG YouTube channel at

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