Online Tutorial: Verification and Validation in Engineering Simulation

This Master Class is especially dedicated to V&V and credibility assurance methodologies for numerical simulation in Engineering. Participants will: Develop their knowledge in V&V including fundamental concepts, most recent methodologies and contents of existing standards, Understand essential links between the product validation/certification and simulation V&V, Learn how to plan and prioritize simulation V&V including physical tests programmes, Understand validation test issues and improve synergy between virtual and physical tests in the context of validation, Learn how to build business cases allowing for justification of V&V plans, Understand simulation V&V organisation and management issues and best practices, Learn how to implement reporting to bring visibility and confidence to all managers concerned with simulation outcomes, Be able to adapt or tailor the course methodologies to their specific industrial context, and further improve their V&V processes and plans. The class is 10 May - 12 May. 0930 - 1745 CET each day.

For more information and to sign up , see the website

Online Tutorial: Verification and Validation in Engineering Simulation

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