MBSE Summit 2022

MBSE Summit 2022, jointly organized by INCOSE India Chapter, AeSI -Design Division, and IEEE Systems Council Bangalore Section Chapter

MBSE Summit 2022
4-5 May 2022
Virtual Event

Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) will play a key role in managing the development of new products and technologies. Using consistent and comprehensive models and simulations would be essential for managing complexities, trade-offs, communication and evolution of novel products reliably and within aggressive timelines. But what is MBSE? What do we need to make it work? INCOSE India Chapter, AeSI -Design Division, and IEEE Systems Council Bangalore Section Chapter jointly welcome you to the MBSE Summit 2022, where we will learn about application of MBSE in multiple industry domains from leading industry experts from India and around the globe.

For more information, visit: https://www.ydra.in/incose-india-mbse-summit2022/

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