Finger Lakes Chapter Presents: Stuart Landau, Introduction to Railway Signaling and Train Control for Rapid Transit

Railway signaling allows safe operations of multiple trains on the same tracks and also optimizes capacity of the tracks. This will be a very brief introduction to its basic principles and how they have been implemented over the last several decades with various technologies, from mechanical devices to microprocessor-based equipment. Application of the principles varies across different types of railways; here we will focus on rapid transit which includes subways and metros, and will cover wayside signaling, cab signaling, and the latest Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC).

Also, Karl Geist will present a mini-presentation on INCOSE's Technical Leadership Institute (TLI).

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  • There is no cost to attend for anyone, but pre-registration is required.
    • To register, send an email to [email protected]
      • The link will be sent out a few days before the meeting

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