INCOSE/GfSE Webinar 4: Blueprint for requirements engineering in agile product development

Meeting Title: Blueprint for requirements engineering in agile product development
Presenter Names: Philip Stolz and Bertil Muth
Date: Wednesday, 2 March 2022 
Time EDT: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm EST (4:00 pm – 5:00 pm UTC; 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm CET) 

Click to download GfSE - INCOSE Webinar 4 Invitation!

Every business context comes with its own unique needs and challenges. As requirements engineering consultants, we generally have an aversion to “ready-made solutions” and supposed "best practices".

However, we have seen various organizations struggle with similar problems. Applying a few simple practices would have helped them. We have compiled simple practices as a blueprint, and we’re excited to share them publicly in this webinar.

Take-Away Key Messages

  • Accept that requirements are just hypotheses.
  • Clarify details as late as possible.
  • Expect the unexpected.

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