Finger Lakes Chapter - "Questions on Requirements Development and Management? New Guides From INCOSE!" by Raymond Wolfgang, Sandia National Laboratories

Do you have questions, on how to develop, manage, and verify requirements for your technical project? Several new guides from INCOSE - specifically, from the Requirements Working Group (RWG) - will help! This presentation will provide an update on the three major new documents from the INCOSE RWG:
Guide to Needs and Requirements,
Guide to V&V and
capstone document Needs, Requirements, Verification and Validation Lifecycle Manual (NRVVLM).

This talk will share the evolution of how the guides and manual came to be, detail some of the paradigm shifts that the documents may entail as compared to common vocabulary and introduce the outline of the NRVVLM. After this presentation you will know where to get the answers to your needs and requirements questions – and have a set of YouTube links to the RWG, for further viewing.

There is no cost to attend for anyone, but pre-registration is required.
To register, send an email to [email protected]
The link will be sent out a few days before the meeting

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