INCOSE Chapter Awards Committee

Mike McCarthy
[email protected]

The INCOSE Chapter Awards Committee is looking for volunteers to evaluate chapter award packages in January 2022 before the International Workshop. Participating in the chapter awards process is an excellent opportunity to see how other chapters operate. Please contact Mike McCarthy at [email protected] to volunteer.

Upcoming Chapter Events

INCOSE Chapter Awards Committee

Esteemed INCOSE Members,

As the end of the year approaches, I am seeking volunteers to join the Awards Committee to help evaluate the INCOSE Chapter Awards Packages that will be submitted in early January. The packages, from the Chapters that wish to submit, are due by January 2 at Midnight, PST. The Chairman of the committee will assign evaluators to each Chapter package and promulgate the assignments within 72 hours of the submission deadline. The Committee evaluators will have from January 5th, 2022 to January 28th, 2022 to evaluate the packages. The evaluations need to be completed before the International Workshop (IW2022) begins on Saturday, January 29th, 2022.

As a member of the Committee, you will be assigned no more than three Chapter packages to evaluate. If we have sufficient volunteers that number may be lower. We need three evaluations for each Chapter, and one of those evaluators for each Chapter package will be assigned as the Captain for that Chapter's evaluation. The Captain's role (other than serving as one of the evaluators) is to gather up the three evaluations, consolidate them on a single spreadsheet and submit them to the Chairman of the committee (me). After all the packages have been evaluated and submitted (but no later than January 28th, 2021) the committee will have a Zoom meeting to resolve any large discrepancies in scoring, and to also select the Outstanding Chapter (President's Award) and the Most Improved Chapter (Director's Award).

If you have the time, this process is an excellent opportunity to get involved and see how other Chapters run their organizations. The new Presidents Elect (or Vice Presidents) are encouraged to participate in this process as a learning experience for the time when you will eventually run your Chapter. If you would like to volunteer for this important Committee Assignment, please email me at [email protected].

Mike McCarthy
INCOSE Chapter Awards Committee Chair

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