System Security Engineering WG: Call for Articles

Summary (1-2 Sentences): Security in the Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) is the June 2022 INSIGHT Theme. Call for articles is at

Call for Articles
Theme: Systems Security in the Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE)
An Invited Article Series – INCOSE Membership not required

Intro: The Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) is an INCOSE-led multiorganizational collaborative initiative pursuing INCOSE’s Vision 2025 and beyond. To accomplish this the FuSE initiative encompasses a number of topic areas with active projects to shape the future of systems engineering. One such topic area addresses Security in the Future of Systems Engineering. In 2020 a multiorganization workshop team identified eleven strategic foundation concepts appropriate for near-term development. An IS21 paper introduced these concepts with eleven one-page descriptions to instigate and inspire thinking and involvement in the development, exposition, and practice of these foundational concepts. The focus is on strategic intent, leaving ample room for various approaches.

IS21 paper:

Mission: These articles are intended to propose or expose strategies for developing, implementing, and/or practicing the foundation concepts.

Approach: This Theme Issue will accommodate articles specifically addressing one or more foundation concepts identified in the IS21 FuSE Security Roadmap paper linked above. Authors may submit multiple offerings. A brief synopsis of the concepts in table form is on the next page. Appropriate articles include concept strategy development, implemented case study exposure, experimental implementation, and additional community instigation and inspiration. Systems engineering is practiced in one form or another in many domains. These foundation concepts are domain agnostic, and some of them may have an early foothold in some domains worth exposing.

2021 Aug 15: Call for articles issued.
2021 Oct 15: (nlt preferred) Concept(s) being addressed, working title, and one paragraph working abstract.
2021 Dec 15 : First (complete) draft submission.
2021 Dec 27: Feedback comments returned on first draft.
2022 Jan 17: Second draft submission, if appropriate, for review at IW22.
2022 Jan 29: Live review: 15 minute presentation with 10 minute feedback at IW22 (in attendance or virtual).
2022 Feb 15: Detailed comments returned to authors for improvement, as appropriate.
2022 Mar 15: Final draft submission, formatted for required style, with author-company release.
2022 Apr xx: INSIGHT editors may contact authors directly with copy-editing suggestions.
2022 Jun xx: INSIGHT publication.

General guidance
• Articles must speak meaningfully to systems engineers.
• The mission is the objective.
• These are not journal articles, 2000-4000 words is the target. • Do not use the MS Word reference tool. Citations and references should comply with the Swinburne Harvard reference style. A descriptive guide with examples is available in the Downloads section of the INCOSE IS website. Additional information is available at:
• Style guide: MS Word, 12 point Times New Roman, single line spacing, indented paragraphs, with minimal or no (preferred) use of styles. Graphics are highly encouraged and do not take away from word-count.

Evaluation Criteria:
• Fit to the theme, and meaningful to SEs and SE issues.
• Advances the mission.
• Publishability: length (2,000-4,000 words), writing quality, logical, and comprehensible. Submissions: NO PDF. Send submissions to [email protected] attached as an MS Word document. Be sure to include a title, and author names and email addresses in the by-line underneath the title. Also include an abstract and bio for each author.

Updates to this call-for-articles will be maintained at

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