INCOSE SySTEM Initiative

Join our Workshop, Thursday November 4th, 10:00am Eastern

SySTEM is a "Systems, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math" initiative intended to promote INCOSE interactions with the global STEM and related education communities. It can work across several dimensions:

  1. INCOSE's role in STEM education and how is it promoted
  2. Application of the INCOSE Competency Framework to all levels of life
  3. Encouraging and promoting STEM volunteerism across regions and chapters
  4. Identifying and building relationships with partners in STEM strategy
  5. Working with educators to enhance systems disciplines in STEM curricula

The SySTEM Initiative needs your input. We will be holding a Zoom workshop to scope the Initiative and plan for the next steps to build an INCOSE presence in the STEM area.

Workshop Agenda:

  • Introduce the Workshop Process (Design Thinking)
  • Activity 1: Build empathy for user – Result: Design Challenge Focus (tools)
  • Activity 2: Narrow design challenge – Result: Problem Statement (How Might We …)
  • Activity 3: Generate ideas – Result: List of potential solutions
  • Plan for “What Next”?
    • Prepare for INCOSE Workshop (IW) – SySTEM workshop #2
      • Activity 1: User journey mapping
        • Result: ID process user goes thru to accomplish goa;
      • Activity 2: Prototype & test ideas
        • Result: set of design solutions

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

And whether or not you can join the workshop, please share your STEM experience and interests by completing our very brief survey at (Note this is a Google Survey; if you do not have a Google account, please contact us for alternatives)

We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you,

Bill Chown
Carlee Bishop

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