INCOSE Finger Lakes Chapter - Oct Meeting: Resilient Systems Working Group Mini-presentation and Stephane Lacrampe, Obeo Canada Director, presenting "Improving MBSE Maturity with the Open-Source Tool Capella"

Resilient Systems Working Group Mini-presentation and Stephane Lacrampe, Obeo Canada Director, presenting "Improving MBSE Maturity with the Open-Source Tool Capella" - MBSE aims at transitioning the Systems Engineering practice from a document-centric approach to a model-centric approach. It is envisioned to be the next shift enhancing significantly our systems engineering capacities, in order to cope with the steadily growing systems' complexity. Although MBSE has been a trending topic over the last few years, its adoption among systems engineers is still growing slowly. In this presentation, Stephane Lacrampe will introduce some of the challenges in MBSE adoption and will explain how the Arcadia method and the Capella tool are enablers for accelerating MBSE adoption among the systems engineering community. There is no charge to attend but attendees must pre-register by contacting [email protected]. Attendees will receive the zoom link via email a few days before the meeting.

Virtual Meeting

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