AIAA’s Journal of Aerospace Information Systems Announces a Call for Papers

AIAA’s Journal of Aerospace Information Systems Announces a
Call for Papers on
Systems Engineering’s Top Space Challenges

Systems Engineering has permeated the engineering ethos in the same way information systems previously redefined the very approach to aerospace science. As Systems Engineering has grown, numerous core challenges have become paramount in the space domain. This special issue in the Journal of Aerospace Information Systems tackles four pressing, space-related Systems Engineering challenges that demand cross-disciplinary solutions.

This special issue’s purpose is to collect and publish a selection of high-quality journal articles that describe and advance the latest Systems Engineering approaches in the aerospace information-related fields related to these Systems Engineering space challenges. This special issue seeks to elicit submissions from researchers and practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds who are interested in the enigmatic questions posed by AIAA’s Systems Engineering Technical Committee.

Systems Engineering Space Challenges
1. Should mass still be a driver for most space missions?
2. Are existing required design margins in handbooks and standards adequate for modern space systems?
3. Should a systems engineering glossary/definitions/ontology be enforced to support the development of a space system?
4. Do space engineers need to learn Model-Based Systems Engineering to successfully
adopt Digital Engineering?

Authors need not respond directly to one of the Systems Engineering challenges if the manuscript relates to the challenges or is in the spirit of solving complex Systems Engineering problems.

Deadline for Submitted Manuscripts: 1 March 2021
Anticipated Publication Date: 1 December 2021
Submission site:

Guest Editors:
Jeff Newcamp ([email protected])
Alejandro Salado ([email protected])
Alessandro Golkar ([email protected])
Mike Miller ([email protected])
Wenjiong Gu ([email protected])

Journal site:


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