SEP Preparation Workshop 2021 - Atlanta Chapter

Dave Takacs
[email protected]

Zoom link will be emailed to registered participants

The INCOSE Atlanta chapter invites you to participate in our FREE 16-week SEP certification preparation workshop

See the flyer for more information:
INCOSE Atlanta SEP Prep 2021


Sixteen (16) weekly two-hour virtual sessions using the INCOSE SE Handbook v4 Tutorial.
Sessions will include a video and discussion. A paper exam (or possibly in-person
computer exam, pending new INCOSE processes) will be proctored in the greater Atlanta area at a date and time TBD.


The workshop is open to anyone. The exam will be available to active INCOSE members.
Certification requires an active INCOSE membership and submission of an application.
The study materials are the same for ASEP and CSEP exams.


Every Tuesday, 18:00 – 20:00, Eastern Time Zone.
January 5 – April 20, 2021


Zoom is the primary location, with GlobalMeet as the backup. Invitations will be sent out to registrants. You can register for the event at the following link:


Workshops may reduce the anxiety of taking the knowledge exam based upon sharing
knowledge and the experiences of others who have obtained SEP certifications.
Additionally, participants may share study techniques and resources that improve their
chances of passing the exam.
Some CSEPs/ASEPs may attend to provide discussion and advice on becoming certified.
The written knowledge exam will be offered free to members. Weekly meeting may
encourage or complement your studying habits. You may learn something you were not
aware, or identify key areas to focus your studying.

This SEP Preparation Workshop is NOT endorsed by INCOSE and is independently
operated by the Atlanta chapter.

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