INCOSE Midwest Gateway Certification Preparation Workshop Fall 2020

INCOSE Midwest Gateway Certification Preparation Workshop Fall 2020

Who: The review workshop is open to everyone, as is the low cost paper exam. Certification requires an active INCOSE membership and submission of application.

What: Sixteen (16) one-hour Webex reviews of the SE Handbook Version 4 and tutorial material each week.

When: Every Thursday from 20 August to 10 December 2020 at 4:30pm Central Time Zone.

How:  Virtual webex meetings.  Register below to obtain Online meeting details.

Why: Workshop may reduce anxiety of taking knowledge exam based upon sharing knowledge and experiences of those who have obtained certifications.

Some CSEPs/ASEPs are attending to provide discussion and advice on becoming certified. The written knowledge exam will be offered at a yet to be determined discounted price ($30 or possibly free to members).

Weekly meeting may encourage or complement your studying habits. You may learn something you were not aware, or identify key areas to focus your studying.

Workshop Is:
  • Workshop highlights INCOSE brand of Systems Engineering which may have similarities and differences from your brand of Systems Engineering.
  • When appropriate, we try to highlight INCOSE SE versus DoD or NASA flavor of SE.
  • Like in baseball, the umpire is always right on balls and strikes, INCOSE is always right on answers to its knowledge exam.  
  • Workshop may complement or represent your preparation for certification knowledge exam.
  • The knowledge exam questions are based upon INCOSE v4 Systems Engineering Handbook brand. 
  • Your studying and understanding of Systems Engineering as described in the INCOSE SE Handbook V4 is the key. 
Workshop Is not:
  • Attending Certification Preparation Workshop does not guarantee passing INCOSE knowledge exam.
  • Workshop Intent is not to teach Systems Engineering (SE).
Key Dates:
  • Workshop: Thursdays 4:30 PM CT; 20 August through 10 December 2020
  • Paper Exam: TBD December 2020 (additional registration required)
  • Exam will be in the St. Louis Area.

Certification Preparation Workshop is NOT endorsed by INCOSE and is independently operated by the Midwest Gateway Chapter.

Click here to download flyer.

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