Call for MBSE Lightning Round Submissions (International Workshop, MBSE)

MBSE Chairs
[email protected]

As MBSE becomes mainstream with many topics to cover, it’s necessary to streamline information delivery at our annual MBSE Workshops (next one is Jan. 29-31  in Seville Spain).  For the last several years we have experimented for various methods, but the best approach/most popular is the MBSE Lightning Round (a series of TED-talk like 18 minute presentations on MBSE topics).  This year we are continuing the Lightning Round by opening it to proposals, thus this call for 18 minute MBSE lightning Round proposals.

MBSE Lightning Round presentations will include stories, experiences, case studies, research, issues, etc. that will inspire MBSE for attendee’s and provoke further conversations.  At this point with Covid-19, we are not sure of being their physically, virtually, or some combination, but the annual MBSE Workshop will go on plus the presentations will be recorded and added to our MBSE INCOSE YouTube Channel library for reference. 

Please respond with a title, abstract, contact information, and brief bio to INCOSE Central at [email protected] by Sept. 15, 2020 

Due Date: Sept. 15, 2020

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Contact Information
  • Bio

Response by Oct. 30, 2020 

We appreciate your participation. 

INCOSE MBSE Initiative Chairs


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