Systems Exchange Café: Maple Café

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The next Maple Café is on Friday July 31st 8am US Pacific (11am US East, 4pm UK, 5pm Europe) click here to register
INCOSE Maple SE Cafe

For the next Maple Café it was chosen to start the discussion looking at the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). If you want to and have the time, here are some resources that might get you started:

INCOSE UK Z4 guide (free access to all)

The SEBOK has some reference to SSM as a problem structuring method - seesebok-logo

Wikipedia gives an overview -
and of the books "Learning For Action" (Peter Checkland and John Poulter) is one of the more recent and accessible (it is also short, and starts with a preamble titled "A ten-minute account of Soft Systems Methodology for very busy people" which is a nice introduction. 

If you have an example of its use (personal experience or other) then please bring them up in the conversation.The discussion will be open, and so we may move away from SSM if that is the way the conversation goes. 

It is hoped this will be a useful ongoing discussion, and also relevant to those not members of INCOSE but curious about Systems and Engineering. 

The topics for future meetings will be defined by the attendees at the café, so please bring your suggestions and requests. 

Register today! 

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