INCOSE Enchantment Chapter Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) Certification Exam Preparation Self-Paced Webinar

Ann Hodges
[email protected]

The regional INCOSE Enchantment Chapter is excited to offer another online-based SEP certification exam preparation training through a special deal made with Paul Martin’s SE Scholar.  The timing of this offering is conveniently planned for students to take a SEP exam offered in Albuquerque, NM in mid-May 2020 (watch for details).

Here are the online course details:

  • The class is self paced consisting of 7 modules and over 16 hours of instructional videos covering the entire INCOSE SE Handbook v4.0. 
  • The price includes study guides, a comprehensive process flow diagram, practice quizzes and exams. 
  • The material will be provided as PDF with the students making hard copies as desired. 
  • There will be a discussion board so that students can collaborate and ask the instructor questions.

The Chapter got a special deal on the course cost ($150 off).  Here’s the cost of the online course (discount good until 04/30/2020):  $500.

Here’s the timeline:

  • Thursday, January 23, 2020, 5pm MST:  This will be a before-class live webinar explaining the INCOSE SEP certification process, allowing members to ask the instructor questions in real-time.  The Chapter will send out an invite to the event with a link to the webinar portal.  Paul will also give attendees free access to his Canvas web portal that supports the webinar, so they can get a feel for what it's like to take the course.
  • January 23 – April 30, 2020:  Buy access to SE Scholar’s online Canvas class portal.  [Note:  You’ll have access to the class as long as it takes for you to pass the SEP exam.  No time limit – take as long as you need. Even beyond the paper exam.]
  • Mid-May, 2020:  Take SEP exam offered  at TBD.
Printable flyer can be found here.

Here’s how to register:

  • Navigate here and use the discount code ENCHANTED20 at checkout.  This discount code will expire April 30, 2020.

Questions to Heidi Hahn or Ann Hodges.

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