11/13 Greater Philadelphia Chapter Meeting: The Future of Systems Engineering and Innoslate

Philadelphia , USA
33rd & Market Streets
Rick Grandrino
[email protected]

Drexel University Hagerty Library, Room L33 33rd & Market Streets (Located on the South Side of Market Street)

Presentation: The Future of Systems Engineering and Innoslate®
Speaker: Steven H. Dam, Ph.D., ESEP,  President and Founder of the Systems and Proposal Engineering Company (dba SPEC Innovations), based in Manassas, VA. 

     Currently, SysML has been identified as the “Industry Standard” for systems engineering. One of the primary rationales for SysML is to aid in the communication with software developers. But at the same time, interest in UML by the software developers has significantly waned since 2004 to the point where Computer Science programs in many universities have essentially stopped teaching it. The software engineering community has moved on to Agile or Scaled Agile Framework methodologies. These methodologies begin with functional requirements.
     In a Spring 2018 Systems Engineering Forum, held by The Aerospace Corporation, one questioner stated, “SysML is the current systems engineering technique, but 10 years from now it’s likely to be something else.” That begs the question, “What is the future of systems engineering?” This presentation includes the new INCOSE Future of Systems Engineering (FuSE) initiative and how Innoslate® meets many of the future needs identified, today. It will address questions such as how to deal with artificial intelligence in our design activities, which require dynamic, non-deterministic and evolutionary approaches, and how to ensure that cybersecurity and assurance are integral to the system, not “bolt on?” The presentation will also discuss another INCOSE initiative, the Value Proposition Initiative. A recent return on investment (ROI) analysis for systems engineering and MBSE is presented.

6:00-6:30: Arrival and Check-In
6:30-6:45: Welcome to Drexel, Introductions (Including Student Groups) and Chapter Business
6:45-7:00: Break
7:00-8:15: Dr. S. Dam’s Presentation on SE Future and Innoslate
8:15-8:30: Closing Remarks

Meal Choices: Boxed sandwiches available, Served with Potato Chips, Whole Fruit and a Cookie. Indicate your selection when making Reservation
1) Smoked Turkey and Swiss Cheese
2) Ham and Swiss Cheese
3) Roasted Vegetables and Cheese

Cost: $10 for INCOSE Members and Nonmembers; Students are Free (Just present your student ID)

Deadline for Reservations and Meal Choices is Thursday, November 7th

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