For our April WebEx event, we have a special guest for all of you. Professor Mary (Missy) Cummings has been kind enough to give us a presentation on why more work is needed in the area of human-autonomous system collaboration, and talk about various projects in her lab: the Humans and Autonomy Laboratory, that are working towards more safe and efficient safety-critical systems.
Personally, I am intrigued to hear what Professor Cummings has to talk about. In my current work in Transportation, the safety aspect of our systems (and how they they are impacted by new technology) is of huge import.
I reached out to Professor Cummings to due my promise of our Chapter's mission to find people who used System Engineering in their careers. I surmised that she used her SE education (M.S. and Ph.D.) to help support her distinguished career, first in the U.S. Navy and now currently as a Professor in the Duke University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Hopefully, after listening to Professor Cummings and her experiences, the audience will get to hear another example of good practice of our discipline.
As mentioned above. This is WebEx event, scheduled to be on April 17th at 12PM (EST).
Here are the WebEx details.
Topic: INCOSE Liberty Chapter Presentation: Prof. Mary Cummings
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Time: 12:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Meeting number: 595 631 226 *** Use this meeting # at if the link does not work ***
Web conference link: