Atlanta March 2019 Meeting - "Research and Applications of Model Based Systems Engineering"

Atlanta , United States
275 Ferst Drive
Dave Takacs
[email protected]

The meeting venue is the Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Lab (Weber Building - the one with the large satellite dish out front)

Speakers: Martin Ballard, Kevin Reilley, Selcuk Cimtalay (Georgia Tech)

Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) is being adopted by industry at a rapid pace. Also, R&D supporting the development of MBSE is continuing in academia, industry and government in various forms.
This presentation will cover three parts:

  • A brief introduction to MBSE and its enabling language The Systems Modeling Language (SysML).
  • A brief overview of representative projects which enable responsive, end-to-end decision-making via a system model, model-based requirements engineering techniques, and additional extensions to MBSE-related analytical capabilities and tutelage
  • An overview of a project incorporating MBSE-related tools and methods into a defense acquisition context.

The meeting venue is the Georgia Tech Aerospace Systems Design Lab
Meeting time is 5:30 - 7:00pm.

The Flyer has all the details (including agenda and call-in info):
Atlanta March 2019 Meeting Information

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