C-NO Chapter Social December 2018 - Burntwood Solon

33675 Solon Road
Tim Schuler

C-NO Chapter Social - Burntwood Tavern Solon

Topic:  Chapter Social - Burntwood Tavern Solon

Presenter:  Board of Directors

Registration Requested:  Register Here via EventBrite

Our C-NO Board has been revamped with a new interim President, and with that comes new ideas. One of the primary values of an organization such as ours is the opportunity to share ideas, learn new best practices, and build our networks. From some “green hat” thinking, we are organizing several informal gatherings over the coming months interspersed among traditional programmed chapter meetings.

Although our jobs, organizations, and work environments are different, we discover that our challenges are often the same. We hope that you can come out to one of these venues near you so that we members can meet each other and see what comes of it.

No requirements, no analysis, no deadlines, no pressure…

Ask for the INCOSE table when you arrive at the Burntwood Tavern; we will see you there!

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