INCOSE India Chapter conducted MBSE Workshop at a Premier Educational Institute in Mumbai.

The following experience has been shared by one of the INCOSE India member who arranged and participated in the workshop -

It is not every day that you get to go to one of the most prestigious institutes in India to teach, to share your work experience, and interact with their faculty and students. This year, on 20th October, I got a chance to conduct a workshop on Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) along with Stueti Gupta, and Dr Nikhil Joshi, President and the Secretary of INCOSE India chapter respectively. Prof. Mukundan, Operations Management at National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, requested this workshop for his Ph.D., and executive program students around applications of MBSE, and specifically SysML in the industrial context.

The workshop started with an introduction to INCOSE, its efforts in India, and how students can contribute and benefit from participating in other events and conferences. This was followed by the basics of “Systems Engineering”, “Why MBSE?”, and a hands-on session with SysML tool, including modelling problems related manufacturing and real-world examples that everyone could relate to. We ended the workshop by shedding light on an alternate modelling language called OPM (Object Process Methodology).

I must say, it has been a satisfying and great learning experience for me. I hope it was equally satisfying for the twenty-seven participating students. I would like to thank NITIE, Prof. Mukundan, and the students

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