Front Range IW2018 Summary

4435 N Chestnut St

Room 252

Earlier this year Jim Adams attended the IW2018 on a grant given by the Colorado Front Range INCOSE chapter. On Tuesday April 24th he will be giving a first timer's perspective on the INCOSE International Workshop and a summary of the IW2018 presentations he attended in a live presentation at The Colorado Technical University (CTU) at 6pm, Room 252.

Earlier this year Jim Adams attended the IW2018 on a grant given by the Colorado Front Range INCOSE chapter. On Tuesday April 24th he will be giving a first timer's perspective on the INCOSE International Workshop and a summary of the IW2018 presentations he attended in a live presentation at The Colorado Technical University (CTU) at 6pm, Room 252.

You can also attend the meeting via webcast: 
Meeting Details Web Address:
Access Number:  1-719-325-2630
Guest Passcode: 340 501 8119

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