C-NO Chapter Meeting June 2017

Cleveland , USA
1947 W 25th St
Carl Dister

Book Discussion - The Revolt of the Engineers: Social Responsibility and the American Engineering Profession by Edwin T. Layton Jr. (1986), Influencer – The New Science of Leading Change and INCOSE Vision 2025

Book Discussion:
The Revolt of the Engineers: Social Responsibility and the American Engineering Profession by Edwin T. Layton Jr. (1986),
Influencer – The New Science of Leading Change,
INCOSE Vision 2025

Description: To achieve the goals of INCOSE Vision 2025, the presenters believe that Systems Engineers will need to acquire some level of prowess in the Social Sciences (e.g. Behavioral Psychology, Political Science, Law, Economics, and Philosophy.) Here are how the three works fit together for the discussion:

  • Revolt of the Engineers: Due to the historical repression of social responsibility by businesses, many engineers have stopped acting upon how their work impacts the society-at-large.
  • Influencer: This modern behavioral science approach could be used by a Community of Systems Engineers to regain their social identities.
  • Vision 2025: Here is what could be achieved if the Community of Systems Engineers is successful in crossing the chasm.

Note: You don’t have to read the books to attend the discussion, although it is preferred Discussion begins at 5:30 PM

Co-Presenters: Katie Trase and Carl Dister

Registration Requested:  Register Here via EventBrite

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The meeting is free and open to the public. Attendees will order off the menu and be required to pay for their meals if they would like to have a beverage and/or dinner.

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