Webinar 98: INCOSE Leadership – What's in it for you?

INCOSE is unique among professional societies in its leadership by volunteers. This webinar will be a Question and Answer session with a panel of INCOSE volunteers, explaining what they do and why they do it. Moderated by Courtney Wright, CSEP, each panelist has experience with one or more of the following: INCOSE working groups, chapter leadership, and the Board of Directors. The panelists will talk about what motivated them to become involved with INCOSE, how it was different than they expected, and what they anticipate for the future of INCOSE. Questions may be submitted in advance to [email protected] or you can ask your question live during the webinar.

Meeting Title: INCOSE Leadership – What's in it for you?
Presenter Name: Dr. Juan Llorens, Dr. Jennifer Narkevicius, Dr. Michael Do
Moderator: Courtney Wright
Date: Monday 5 June 2017
Time EDT: 11:00 am-12:00 pm

INCOSE Webinar 98 Invitation

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