Orlando Chapter Meeting - Systems Geometry: A Dimensional Approach to Systems of Systems Understanding

Orlando , USA
3039 Technology Parkway

Dinner & Networking: 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Chapter Business: 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM
Presentation: 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM
RSVP:  http://www.eventbrite.com/e/incose-orlando-chapter-aug-2016-meeting-registration-25828869845

The meeting is open to all; you do not need to be an INCOSE member to attend. If you are not a member, we invite you to become a member of the Orlando Chapter of INCOSE at http://www.incose.org/about/Membership/Join

Recent advancements in technology have led to the increased use of integrated ‘systems of systems’ (SoS) which link together independently developed and usable capabilities into an integrated system that exhibits new, emergent capabilities.  However, the resulting SoS is often not well understood, where secondary and tertiary effects of tying systems together are often unpredictable and present severe consequences. The complexities of the composed system stem not only from system integration, but from a broad range of areas such as the competing objectives of different constituent system stakeholders, mismatched requirements from multiple process models, and architectures and interface approaches that are incompatible on multiple levels.  While successful SoS development has proven to be a valuable tool for a wide range of applications, there are significant problems that remain with the development of such systems that need to be addressed during the early stages of engineering development within such environments.  This presentation describes a methodology called Systems Geometry (SG) for analyzing SoS in the early stages of development to identify areas of potential unintended emergent behaviors as candidates for the employment of risk management strategies.

Christina Bouwens

Christina Bouwens is the Founder and Principal for Systems Geometry, LLC, a systems engineering company providing research analysis, planning and development support for complex systems.  As a research associate for the University of Central Florida (UCF) she was the technical lead for the original development of the IEEE standards for simulation interoperability (IEEE 1278).  In the 25+ years since then, Dr. Bouwens has focused on applying advanced technology to support military and civilian applications in force representation, operational test and training, cyber operations and systems-of-systems analysis.  Her research interests include:  modeling and simulation, high performance computing, virtualization / cloud computing, complexity analysis and enterprise architectures.  Dr. Bouwens received her B.S. in Mathematics from Geneva College, an M.S. in Mathematical Science from the University of Central Florida (UCF) and her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from UCF.

Please RSVP at Eventbrite by Tuesday, August 16 to be registered for our monthly meeting. There is no cost to attend and dinner is provided courtesy of INCOSE Orlando chapter with RSVP.

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