C-NO Chapter Meeting July 2016

Novelty , USA
9639 Kinsman Road

Experience Buckminster Fuller’s Largest Geodesic Dome and Learn His Key Design Principles. This is a "Round-Robin" event, covering several (optional) locations.

Topic: Buckminster Fuller, the Future, and the Past

Registration Requested:  
Register Here via EventBrite


  Buckminster Fuller is famous for many creative projects, however, he is best remembered for his “Anticipatory Design” approach to systems. As we visit the largest open-work geodesic dome in the world, we will learn first-hand about his approach, then later, share with one another our personal principles for Systems Engineering. (Recommended Pre-reading: You Belong to the Universe)

Check out this awesome “Drone Footage” of Materials Park:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGISP9sqdLM

Note: Additional parts of this event, as described in the flyer, are optional.

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