Delaware Valley Chapter meeting on June 30th: INCOSE International Symposium presentations

Camden , USA
1 Federal Street
Jim Finney
[email protected]

The INCOSE Delaware Valley Chapter will host a membership meeting this Thursday evening, June 30th, featuring a pair of technical presenters who will provide us with a special pre-screening of their material to be presented at next months 26th annual INCOSE International Symposium in Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr. Joanna Defranco from Penn State University will present "Facilitating Collaborative Learning in Online Engineering Student Teams, and James Armstrong from Stevens Institute of Technology will present "Impact of System Integration on Reliability and Maintainability.

We hope you can join the Delaware Valley Chapter members at this event. Guests are welcome! $10 for dinner.

L-3 Communications-East Auditorium, 1 Federal St., Camden, NJ 08103   Map: 

As you head West on Federal Street, the Visitor’s Parking Lot is accessed via the second L-3 entrance.  The lot will be on the left before you reach the employee gated entrance. The lobby is at the flag pole entrance. Inform the guard at the desk you are there for the INCOSE meeting and to contact John Hoban. 

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