May 2016 Chapter Meeting at Terumo BCT

Lakewood , USA
11158 West Collins Ave
Lonnie VanZandt
[email protected]

The May 2016 INCOSE Colorado Front Chapter (CFR) meeting will be held on Thursday May 26, 2016, at 6:30 PM at the Terumo BCT Facility in Lakewood, CO. This is a rescheduled event that was canceled in March due to weather. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Lonnie VanZandt ([email protected]).


Kristina Fuerst and Casey Medina will present a discussion based on two papers published at IS2015. The papers cover requirements development and the "V" model in the context of medical devices. The processes and procedures described are applicable across industries and describe a structured, requirements engineering process for individuals, corporate cultures, and industries that are not familiar with requirements engineering best practices. These processes were implemented by the authors in the product development process of a medical device manufacturer and are presented as an example of the implementation of the requirements engineering process using a sample project.

Speaker Bios

Casey Medina, CSEP - Casey currently practices systems engineering in the medical device industry. He has developed products in the areas of automated stem cell growth, patient monitoring, pulse-oximetry, blood collections and therapeutics. Casey holds multiple patents in the medical device sector. Professionally, he is focused on developing the art of systems engineering in a manner that fosters adoption and acceptance by organizations resistant to change. He currently applies systems engineering practices and principles to enable rapid medical device development and is working to enhance the use of MBSE as an enabler for usability and human factors analyses. 

Kristina Fuerst, ASEP - Kristina has been working in the medical device industry as a systems engineer since 2012 and is responsible for the requirements engineering and system architecture development for her team. Kristina developed and implemented an intensive, two-day requirements training course with Casey. Kristina graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a B.S. in Chemical and Biological Engineering and is pursuing her Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering with Rutgers University. She received her ASEP in 2013.

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