Meeting Speakers: Paul Clements and Charles Krueger, Systems and Software Product Line Engineering — the State of the Industry

Albuquerque , USA
Applied Technology Associates (ATA), 1300 Britt Street, SE

Abstract:  Product line engineering (PLE) is a way to engineer a portfolio of related products in an efficient manner, taking full advantage of the products’ similarities while respecting and managing their differences.  By “engineer,” we mean all of the activities involved in planning, producing, delivering, deploying, sustaining, and retiring products. Born in the 1980s in the software field, but now having grown well beyond those early roots, PLE derives benefits from engineering the whole family rather than separately engineering each member.  Numerous case studies show that exploiting the commonality throughout the products’ total life cycles can return substantial improvements in time to market, cost, portfolio scalability, engineer productivity, and product quality; no other engineering paradigm shift has, to our knowledge, brought about results that rival these.  This talk will explore how PLE is being used in industry today, and discuss how it has grown and evolved to meet the needs of such high-demand industries such as automotive, avionics, aerospace and defense, and more. 

Bio: Paul Clements, PhD, Vice President of Customer Success, BigLever Software, Inc. One of the founding fathers of the PLE field, Dr. Paul Clements brings to BigLever in-depth systems and software architecture and analysis expertise, applied research experience, and insight for helping commercial organizations define pragmatic solutions to complex engineering problems. Clements assists BigLever customers in applying the latest PLE approaches, creating optimized deployment plans, and establishing successful ongoing PLE practices. He was previously a senior member of the technical staff at The Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI) where he gained recognition as co-creator of the book Software Product Lines: Practices and Patterns, the SEI's first product line case study, the SEI Framework for Product Line Practice, the SIMPLE modeling language for product line economics, and the International Software Product Line Conference. Prior to the SEI, he was a computer scientist with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. Clements received his PhD in computer science from The University of Texas at Austin.

Bio: Charles W. Krueger, PhD, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, BigLever Software, Inc. Dr. Charles Krueger is an acknowledged thought leader in the PLE field, with more than 25 years of experience in software engineering practice and more than 60 articles, columns, book chapters, conference keynotes and session presentations. Through active involvement in key industry events and organizations, he brings innovative PLE concepts, new generation methodologies and success stories to the forefront of the systems and software engineering community. Dr. Krueger has proven expertise in leading commercial product line development teams, and has played an instrumental role in establishing some of the industry’s most notable PLE practices at leading companies in automotive, aerospace and defense, aviation systems, alternative energy, e-commerce, and computer systems. He received his PhD in computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.

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