CSU Wolstein Center

INCOSE and IEEE announce the 5th annual EnergyTech conference event for 2015 in continuing efforts toward promoting technology advancements ...



Save the DATE:  

November 30 – Dec. 2, 2015


CSU Wolstein Center, Cleveland, Ohio

INCOSE and IEEE announce the 5th  annual EnergyTech conference event for 2015 in continuing efforts toward promoting technology advancements and system integrity in the energy sector, as well as protecting and fortifying our national critical infrastructure 

Conference Hosts:  
IEEE (Power & Energy Society)
INCOSE (Power & Energy Systems Working Group)
INCOSE (Infrastructure Systems Working Group)

In Collaboration with:  NASA, Infragard, EMP-SIG, ISS, SecurityWeek, ICS, IAPG, PMI

Broad THEME: Securing the Nation’s Energy Future
Modern civilizations vitally depend on the continuous and assured availability of critical resources such as clean, safe, and affordable electrical power, clean water, secure food, transportation, and related services.  Major dynamic global changes and threats are confronting not only the energy sector but related infrastructure, with the potential to greatly disrupt and undermine civilized existence.  A comprehensive Systems approach is essential to integrate advanced technologies, as well as address challenges and vulnerabilities in cyber-security, physical attacks, and solar weather events as well as EMP strikes.  

Visit the website and register now!

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