CSD&M Asia 2014

National University of Singapore

1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management

1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management
CALL FOR PAPERS - Your scientific & industrial contributions are welcome
Designing complex industrial systems is a fundamental strategic challenge for all industries. A new discipline, centered on systems architecture& engineering has emerged in the academic environment. This discipline intends to develop scientific fundamentals, design methods and engineering tools that allow engineers to manage the increasing complexity of the technical systems they must design and implement. This field is at the interface between industry and academia, and requires its practitioners to understand the industrial concrete contexts as well as to master a strong theoretical background. The ambition of the CSD&M Asia conference is to be the Asia-Pacific meeting of reference for the industrial and academic communities working in the design and management of complex industrial systems.
• Abstract submission (optional): April 6, 2014
• Paper submission deadline: April 20, 2014
• Results announcement: June 16, 2014
• Camera-ready paper deadline: July 31, 2014
• Conference: December 10-12, 2014
• Best papers awards: December 12, 2014
As the CSD&M Asia conference is both industrial and academic, paper topics can be industrial, academic or both. Selected papers will be presented by their authors either on the format of a 30-minute talk or as a poster during a dedicated 2-hour poster session. The full papers (for authors selected for a 30-minute talk) or their abstracts (for authors selected for the poster session) will be all published in the conference proceedings edited by SpringerVerlag.
The Program Committee will award the best CSD&M Asia 2014 papers in 2 categories: 1 prize of 3500SGD for the best academic/industrial paper and 1 prize of 1750SGD for the best student paper (written by students in majority).
For more details, please see:http://www.2014.csdm-asia.net/-Submission-.html
• Industry domains: Aeronautics& Aerospace, Defense & Security, Electronics & Robotics, Energy & Environment, Healthcare & Services, Information technology, Maritime & Logistics, Software, Transportation, Urban development.
• Scientific and technical topics: Systems fundamentals, Systems modelling, Systems architecture, Systems engineering, Industrial projects, Systems metrics, Systems quality, Systemic tools.
• Systems types: Embedded systems, Transportation systems, Software systems, Information systems, Systems of systems, artificial eco-systems.
• More information can be found on the conference website: http://www.2014.csdm-asia.net/
• For any question, please email to:[email protected]

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