C-NO Chapter Workshop
Independence , USA
3 Summit Park Dr
Carl Dister
Workshop on the basics of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and the Systems Modeling Language (SysML)
Description: Please join our host, Katie Trase, for a one-day workshop to learn the basics of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and the Systems Modeling Language (SysML). The workshop will include a mix of lecture and hands-on training in a MBSE tool, MagicDraw.
Registration Required: Register Here via EventBrite:
Meeting Flyer
Workshop Topics:
- Introduction to MBSE
- Hands-On Training: SysML and MagicDraw
- Cross-Cutting Concepts (tying the various SysML “pillars” together, within a model)
- Implementing MBSE in Your Organization
- Culminating Model-Building Activity
Workshop Fee: $60 for INCOSE members $80 for non-members (includes a box lunch and refreshments)