SETE 2014

Adelaide , Australia
Stamford Grand Glenelg

Stamford Grand Glenelg in Adelaide Australia

Registration is now available for the conference. To register:
Half day tutorials will be offered on Monday 28th April 2014. These will be available to book from February. Those people who have registered prior to their release will have the first option of booking.
The Call for Papers is now open and closes on 3rd February 2014
Call for Refereed Papers
Refereed papers are invited for oral presentations relating to all aspects of systems thinking, systems practice, systems engineering, and test and evaluation, particularly those related to the conference theme.
Papers are to be submitted through the abstract portal available via the conference web site
Refereed papers will be peer-reviewed and published in accordance with DEEWR requirements for an E1 conference paper.
All presenting authors of refereed papers must register and pay for their attendance at the conference by 17 March 2014, before the paper is admitted to the conference program.
Call for Non-refereed Presentations
Non-refereed presentations are less formal than refereed presentations and are reviewed by the Conference Technical Committee for inclusion in the program, but are not subject to the peer-review process for refereed papers.
Presentation (PowerPoint) format is suitable—there is no need for a formal paper. Presentations are to be submitted through the abstract portal available via the conference web site
All presenters of non-refereed presentations must register and pay for their attendance at the conference by 17 March 2014, before the presentation is admitted to the conference program.
Call for Tutorials
The conference program incorporates half-day tutorial sessions on Monday 28 April 2014. Expressions of interest are invited from companies or individuals interested in delivering a half-day tutorial on any aspects of systems thinking, systems practice, systems engineering, and test and evaluation, particularly those related to the conference theme.
Please submit expressions of interest directly to the Conference Technical Program Chair [email protected]
Key Dates
Submission of full papers (for refereed papers) 3 February 2014
Submission of one-page abstracts
(for non-refereed presentations) 3 February 2014
Notification of acceptance
(and provision of referee comments to authors of refereed papers) 3 March 2014
Submission of final papers and presentations for
publication in proceedings 31 March 2014
Presenting author registers for SETE2014 17 March 2014
Early bird Registration 26 March 2014
For more information regarding the conference:

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