Webinar 15:00 UTC: "Establishment of INCOSE Sectors and Sector Directors" -

This webinar aims at providing an opportunity to present and discuss the proposal to evolve our organization, to improve the direct influence of Chapters on governance issues at the level of the Board of Directors (BoD) as well as to increase our ability to handle issues arising from our global growth.

INCOSE Webinar:   "Establishment of INCOSE Sectors and Sector Directors" -
Date:  September 28, 2011
Time:  11:00 am EDT
Introduction (Samantha Robitaille, INCOSE President)
Background (Ralf Hartmann, Director for Strategy)
"Sectors"concept, benefits and consequences (Asmus Pandikow, Member Board Chair and "Sectors Project" Team Leader )
Ongoing leadership commitment (John Thomas, INCOSE President-Elect
General Webinar Details:  Webinar 35
This webinar aims at providing an opportunity to present and discuss the proposal to evolve our organization, to improve the direct influence of Chapters on governance issues at the level of the Board of Directors (BoD) as well as to increase our ability to handle issues arising from our global growth.
The webinar provides an overview on the proposed change, namely to introduce “Sectors” of Chapters, represented at the BoD by “Sector Directors”. The proposed change is the result of several years of discussion between different groups within INCOSE and is based on issues that have been raised by Members and Chapters.
This simple but critical step will support our ability to grow and develop our status as a professional organization, and is unanimously recommended by the BoD. However, since it will affect the way in which some directors are elected, it is necessary to gain approval by the membership of this change. The proposal will be presented for membership vote alongside the annual leadership ballot next month.
The webinar aims to provide an opportunity for Members to better understand the proposal and consists of: Introduction (Samantha Robitaille, INCOSE President) Background (Ralf Hartmann, Director for Strategy) The “Sectors” concept, benefits and consequences (Asmus Pandikow, Member Board Chair and “Sectors Project” Team Leader ) Ongoing leadership commitment (John Thomas, INCOSE President-Elect)
More details on the “Sectors” concept can be found on Connect at http://connect.incose.org/sector
Please contact [email protected] if you have questions or comments on the “Sectors” concept.

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