15th Annual INCOSE Region II Fall Mini-Conference

San Diego , USA
National University, La Jolla Campus

The theme of the 15th Annual INCOSE Region II Fall Mini-Conference is: “Enabling Information Dominance Through

The theme of the 15th Annual INCOSE Region II Fall Mini-Conference is: “Enabling Information Dominance Through
Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles: (In the Air, On the Ground, and At Sea - All Collaborating Using Assured Communications)”
Unmanned autonomous vehicles, of various types, are a critical national capability. As the potential for reduced manpower and lower risk is high, linking information dominance and cyber security are key elements. This cutting-edge conference brings together military, federal, and local governments, acquisition executives, program managers, academia, and industry to discuss their plans to expand their vehicles use and to address the challenges facing potential expanded use of unmanned vehicles. This mini-conference will showcase the latest advances that industry and government have made in technology, interoperability standards, data security, and integrating unmanned autonomous vehicles into various environments.
We invite you to submit a one page abstract of your idea for a presentation. Especially encouraged are examples and case
studies of actual problems identified or solved and the applied thinking processes you found valuable. Your presentation should be about 30 minutes in length with 10 minutes for questions and answers. Examples may represent any field or profession.
Deadline for abstract submission: September 30, 2010. Please submit your abstracts by e-mail to
Mike Davis at [email protected] and
Joyce D. Williams [email protected].
Authors of the abstracts selected will be notified regarding acceptance by October 7, 2010.

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