INCOSE North Star: Beyond Murphy’s Law: Uncovering Hidden Failures in Safety-Critical Digital Systems
Minnetonka , USA
12601 Ridgedale Dr
Ridgedale Public Library, 12601 Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka, MN 55305
INCOSE North Star: Beyond Murphy’s Law: Uncovering Hidden Failures in Safety-Critical Digital Systems
Date: 02/19/25
Venue: Ridgedale Public Library, 12601 Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka, MN 55305
Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Central Time
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Can We Really “Tolerate All Credible Faults”? Join Us to Find Out! Our lives are becoming ever more influenced by safety- and security- critical digital systems. The complexity of these systems are typically dealt with using abstraction and specialization. However, doing this creates niches of expertise where designers can’t have the breadth and depth of expertise nor the experience to be able to anticipate all the failure modes that need to be handled in their designs. Critical systems often have requirements for incredibly small probabilities of failure. One often hears designers of critical systems say: "We have to tolerate all credible faults". However, the word "credible" in this assertion contrasts starkly with the word "incredibly" in the sentence before. In fact, there are faults and failures that most designers think can't happen which actually can and do happen with probabilities far greater than the requirements allow. The well-known Murphy's Law states that: "If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong." With critical systems, this law doesn't go far enough. This talk will further explain the reason why designers, generally, are ill-equipped to create designs that are fault and/or attack tolerant enough. Examples of "incredible" but actually occurring failures will be given.
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