• INCOSE Michigan: True or False: Automated Validation Rules

  • INCOSE Michigan: Feature Space: Integrating Value, Purpose, Mission, Risk, and Variation

  • INCOSE Michigan: ReadyOne: Digital Thread on Day 1

  • INCOSE Michigan: Theoretical Foundations to Systems Engineering

  • INCOSE Michigan: MTU Student Division Presents NASA Artemis Base Camp Regolith Mitigation Capstone Results

  • Moving Machine Learning into Production Systems - CMU SEI Lunch and Learn 1 of 12

  • "An Overview of Software Verification & Validation," Author, Steve Rakitin - Three Rivers Chapter Meeting

  • "Spectacular Views of the City: A Comparison of Smart City Models," Jon Mooney, Virtual, 7-8:30pm CDT

    Presentation Abstract - As the INCOSE Smart Cities Initiative prepares its first work products, it is finding seemingly diverse points of view in several practicing definitions of the Smart City. There is no right or wrong model. Each model has a spectacular view of the city, and each model can offer valuable information (from its limited viewpoint) on how the city operates and how it could improve. When modeling, analyzing and optimizing the operations of a complex system, its important to model the system from various viewpoints. This, of course, is a lesson from the ancient fable of ‘the blind men and the elephant’; that we cannot claim an absolute truth based on one true but limited viewpoint while ignoring other equally true but limited viewpoints. Models are used in MBSE to map and keep track of the myriad butterfly effects caused by design and operational changes in complex real systems. But a single model is only a limited viewpoint, for the very reason that the real system it attempts to model is so complex. Comparing the complex system from various MBSE modeling viewpoints can help bring clarity. In this presentation, we compare the viewpoints of two prominent Smart City definitions; Deloitte's viewpoint based on the idea that Smart cities emerge as the result of many Smart Solutions across all sectors of society, and TUSS's viewpoint based on the idea that a Smart city is a city that has the ability to identify its problems and its root causes promptly and remove the root causes by generating, and processing engineered quality data in a continuous and inclusive manner. A comparison graphic illustrates how these are just two of the many views of the same elephant.

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  • ASEP / CSEP / ESEP Certification Exams


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