Colorado Front Range Chapter Virtual Winter Social

December chapter meeting


Please join us for a virtual celebration!

Why you should attend:
Win door prizes (yes, we can do that)
Make connections to other SE professionals
Explore INCOSE resources
Chat about topics important to YOU!

Suggested topics, but feel free to discuss other topics of interest to you:

  1. What is an SE challenge that you overcame this year?
  2. What SE challenge were you unable to solve this year and would like help in finding a solution?
  3. Have you applied SE principles and tools in areas outside of engineering?
  4. Do you have any ideas or suggestions for the INCOSE CFR Chapter? Please share ideas for presentations, workshops, working group. or any other initiatives you'd like to see.

Join Zoom Meeting: 

Zoom meeting link

Dial in: 877-853-5257 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 990 8911 7711
Passcode: 451099

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